Sunday, June 26, 2011

Psicoanálisis y literatura: una preocupación disciplinar. Diálogos con Belén del Rocío Moreno Cardoso

Un oficio literal

Butler, Judith. “Sujetos de sexo/género/deseo” [Reseña]

Sujetos de sexo-género-deseo - reseña

José Vasconcelos. "La editorial universitaria" (1921).

José Vasconcelos y el espíritu de la universidad

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Los libros que lleva y trae el viento: Para Além da Tragédia: África e Brasil sob olhar literário, de Denilson Lima Santos (Brasil)

El libro presenta ensayos literarios desde dos perspectivas. Primero un diálogo con la literatura africana, en este caso la de Guinea Bissau, realizando un análisis de la obre de Abdulai Silá, A última Tragédia, realizando un estudio tanto desde la historia como desde la literatura. Luego se presenta al escritor negro de Bahía (Brasil), Aloísio Resende, que en la década del 30 del siglo XX escribía en la prensa local una estética poética basada en el Candomblé.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Los libros que lleva y trae el viento: El exilio español ante los programas de la identidad cultural en el Caribe insular (1934-1956)

Los libros que lleva y trae el viento: Eloge de la creolite, primera traducción al español

Unlocking the Cuban Heritage Collection Bringing Cuba Past and Present into the Classroom Thursday, July 7 2011


Monday, June 6, 2011

Universidad, mundo editorial y sociedad en América Latina

Universidad, mundo editorial y sociedad en América Latina

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Islands of the World XII Conference 2012

"Globalisation: Islands Adapting to Change"
29 May – 1 June, 2012
The Virgin Islands (BVI)

Welcome to the online home for the Islands of the World XII Conference 2012. This conference is being hosted by the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College, which is located in the Virgin Islands. The Virgin Islands Steering Committee is the official body, which will oversee the planning and organsing aspects of the conference. This conference is conducted every two years under the auspices of the International Small Islands Studies Association (ISISA).

ISISA is a voluntary, non-profit and independent organisation. Its objectives are to study islands on their own terms, and to encourage free scholarly discussion on small island related matters such as islandness, smallness, insularity, dependency, resource management and environment, and the nature of island life.

The 2012 conference will cover the areas of:

Agriculture and Fisheries
Economic Development
Disaster Management
Financial Services
Alternative Energy and Sustainable Development
History and Culture
Health and Social Development
Caribbean Governance and Business
Climate Change and Conservation
Education and Literature
Information Technology

This conference will be attempting to discuss and solve many of our small island issues. We now invite you to peruse this website and register for the various conference offerings. We also invite you to become a member of ISISA.

For further information, please contact us at

II Jornadas de cultura, lengua y literatura coloniales. UCLA, 27-29 oct. 2011